Spinal Fracture: Treatment and Physical Therapy
The spinal fracture can lead to several problems, where the patients can experience weakness, neck pain, numbness, extreme pain in the neck, head. This may also lead to paralysis, weakness, or lack of coordination. The patients may also feel the numbness, or loss of sensation in different parts of the body i.e feet, hands, fingers, or toes. Therefore, it’s important to take the spinal fracture seriously and should follow the complete treatment procedure in regard to spinal cord fracture. Basically, the brain sends signals through the spinal cord to the different parts of the body. If the spinal cord gets damaged then the transfer of signal does not occur properly, and also the movement is not controllable. The physiotherapy can provide you an end to end solution of spinal cord injury. Where the physical therapist can provide the efficacious spinal fracture treatment including the various approaches and exercises. Spinal Fracture Treatment If your spine gets fracture, then you shoul...