Could Your Foot Pain Be Caused by a Problem in Your Spine?

Physiotherapy provides you better treatment for foot pain, which occurs due to the spine. However, in this section, our focus will be on foot pain caused due to the spine & its treatment.

We would like to say that the spinal cord is an essential part of us where it primarily functions to transmit nerve signals and also work as the coordinating center for many reflexes. In case of injury to the spinal cord, there could be chances of having paralysis, weakness, loss of coordination in different parts of the body such as in feet, fingers, hands, etc. There could be chances of foot pain due to infection, injury, or damage of the spinal cord. The sciatic nerve can also be another major cause of foot pain if it’s compressed or damaged. 

Foot Pain Causes By Spine Problem - A Quick Overview

Let’s have a quick glimpse of foot pain due to nerve root compression on the lumbar spine, which is one of the big causes of foot pain.

Lumbar Herniated Disc

This situation arises when due to the pressure on the spine, the inner intervertebral disc content comes out from the disc. The outer rings could crack, bulge, or tear.

Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease

It’s also another major cause of foot pain, and when this happens, the disc gets shrink and narrow. In older age, this problem is common. In addition, the spine discs could wear or tear.


Spondylolisthesis is also a spine-related problem where the lower vertebrae get affected more. In this condition, the lower vertebrae slip forward on the bone.

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Now let’s shed some light on lumbar spinal stenosis, where the spinal nerve or cord becomes narrow. If this occurs, legs get a cramp while walking, standing for a long period of time.

To treat this problem, physiotherapy, injections, and surgery could be better choices. Physiotherapy treatment in South Delhi can offer you better physiotherapy services, including chiropractic care, manual therapy, neck, back & leg pain treatment. We use modern treatment approaches after analyzing the patient’s condition. Our team of physical therapy specialists provides you an exclusive range of physiotherapy facilities for foot pain caused by the spine.


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