Getting Back Pain While Working from Home

Work from home is now trending due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many companies offer work from home to their employees. However, it's a good option but causes several other health problems, including back pain. Now here, we will also introduce the importance of spine care along with the best tips for back pain while working from home.

Coronavirus has impacted several countries across the globe, and people are forced to work from home. In the study, it was revealed that many people are facing anxiety, stress, pressure, depression, mental fatigue, and back pain while working at home. And all these problems are mainly consequences of working from home under pressure. 

In order to deal with such problems, physiotherapy may drive fruitful results by providing excellent ways to keep you fit & healthy while working for longer hours. If you are also facing challenges in the context of back pain, our team of professionals can guide you through online mode.

Best Ways to Deal with Back Pain in WFH

Let's have a quick introduction to the tips for removing the back pain while working from home.

Sit Straight To View Computer
It's always important to keep your computer at an appropriate height so that the screen view could be better. While working on the computer, you should avoid angle views or look down. If you are using the laptop, then try to use piles of books or something else in order to achieve a good height.

Sit Straight in Your Chair
While working from home, you spend too many working hours, and if the sitting position is not appropriate, then you may have the back pain problem. During the sitting, you should not put pressure on the spine or back. You must adopt a better position so that pressure on the intervertebral discs could be least. For a good sitting position, you may use the cushion or rolled towel.

Back Pain Relief Exercises
Now here it would be better to know about the best exercises which could be beneficial for lower back pain. There could be chances of inactivity or least physical activities, so you should perform the back pain relief exercises. The exercises are - wall sits, knee to chest, partial crunches, hamstring stretches, etc. And it will be helpful for strengthening lower abdominal muscles, improving the posture, and providing hip stability to a greater extent. We recommend you perform these exercises after the consultation with your doctor if you have some kind of health issues.

Besides the above discussion, we would like to point out the importance of spine care. The spine is an essential part of our central nervous system, and helpful for controlling various parts of the body. Therefore it's important to keep the spine in a healthy state.

Anodyne Spine Clinic for Back Pain

A team of spine care specialists strives to deliver world-class back pain treatment. We are also known as the best physiotherapy clinic for back pain in south Delhi. We understand the importance of spine health; therefore we treat our patients well by using modern physiotherapy practices & approaches.


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